Think Outside the Vox

A large group photo of Deaf community, including Deaf DASLs, Deaf and hearing audience, ASL Interpreting team, family, and friends standing together in front of the stage at Cutler Majestic Theater.

The Tactile Tour table was a creative highlight of the December 2024 Commonwealth Shakespeare Company (CSC) performance of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Armed with costumes and props from the show, Ingrid O’Dell, Accessibility Coordinator from Think Outside the Vox (VOX), greeted guests with a chance to feel the damask fabric of a Victorian dress or the holly crown worn by the Ghost of Christmas Past. For Blind patrons in attendance, Ingrid described each of the textiles on the table, inviting guests to pick up and graze the pieces while she gave context about each item’s place in the storyline. Other members of the VOX team made sure theatergoers had show programs in braille or screen reader-friendly digital formats, as well as audio description (AD) headsets, and they greeted patrons in the lobby in ASL or sight-guided them to concessions or their seats. Through the headsets, professional audio describers provided live, play-by-play, physical details of actions and characters on the stage throughout the performance. Much as a language interpreter or sportscaster inserts commentary in the pauses, audio describers find gaps in the dialogue where they can add lines such as: “An elderly white man wearing a silk top hat and tailcoat enters from the left, ambling with a cane.” The VOX team also made sure patrons were comfortable, including reserved spaces for wheelchairs, collecting real-time suggestions, and helping coordinate rideshares pre- and post-show. ASL Vlogs and audio description wayfinding files were provided in advance and posted on social media by VOX and CSC. During the performance, an American Sign Language (ASL) team led by Sabrina Dennison, a Broadway-credited Director of Artistic Sign Language, (DASL) captured the storyline, characters, jokes, and singing visually in front of the stage. The ASL team even included a young Deaf-parented child signing for Tiny Tim. “Three patrons made a point of thanking us and letting us know how much they appreciated the ‘top-notch’ AD and Tactile Tour,” says Samantha (Sam) Gould Kriveshko, who cofounded VOX with Christopher (Chris) Robinson. “It’s all part of an anti-ableist perspective,” comments Chris. “It means we make the effort to stop approaching everything as ableists, just as an anti-racist works to remove racism from their thinking.” “We’re not just checking a box for compliance with disability laws anymore,” he continues. “It’s a paradigm shift. We’re covering the real experiences and impact of certain identities with disabilities through storytelling.” Sam and Chris have both been working in accessibility in the arts for 20+ years. In addition to her work with VOX, Sam is President of the all-volunteer nonprofit Open Door Theater, which she describes as “an integrated disability joy space where we train actors, captioners, audio describers, and ASL interpreters in a community theater setting—like a test kitchen for how we want to bring arts access to the rest of the community.” Since its founding in 1980, Open Door had a mission of inclusion of disabled cast members on stage but didn’t consider audience accommodations until 2006. Their music director that year was a SODA (sibling of a Deaf adult) who wanted to include ASL in the production. Sam consulted with Chris, a Broadway-credited expert ASL interpreter, and the two have collaborated ever since. “Chris and I had been doing the consulting work for free, under the Open Door umbrella, for the longest time because we couldn’t not let it be done and leave patrons without accommodations,” says Sam. “Then about three years ago, we decided we needed to do it properly. So we incorporated a nonprofit, Think Outside the Vox, specifically for consulting with other arts organizations and creating opportunities for disabled artists. We got our first grant from The Lenny Zakim Fund in 2023, and that opened the door to other grants and much-needed nonprofit management training. The benefits from LZF are beyond monetary, the access to nonprofit management resources and professionals and the connections made through LZF have been game changing.” “LZF really took a chance on us,” Chris adds. “Our mission is quite esoteric and hard to digest because of all of the things we’re doing. We were just a fledgling organization at that point, and having someone we could call for advice and questions was invaluable.” In 2022, VOX received an innovation grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council to add greater cultural competence and higher quality access by training Blind/Low-vision Audio Describers while also incorporating BIPOC, AAPI, LGBTQIA+, disabled and neurodivergent community members. Upon completion of training, members of the AD cohorts trained by VOX start work in the field immediately and are mentoring the next group of emerging AD professionals. VOX is currently replicating this project in the Artistic Sign Language Space with Deaf professionals and emerging BIPOC ASL interpreters, thanks to an urgent response grant from Haymarket People’s Fund.  “In 2024, we won a Performing Arts Award from the American Council for the Blind, for our innovation in Audio Description,” says Sam. “This work is truly changing the face of Audio Description in the Commonwealth, and in the sector as well, figuratively and literally. And it’s creating jobs. Amber Pearcy, for example, is a Blind consultant who quadrupled her income once we began emphasizing the importance of involving Blind experts in AD work. David Heard, a Black, single father and actor, wasn’t able to take a full run of a play because he had a toddler at home, but now he can do the bulk of the AD work at home and only has to be at the theater for three appearances for similar payscale.” “We’ve made a lot of progress, but it’s still really challenging,” comments VOX Marketing & Communications Manager Olivia Reinebach. “Producers can be very protective about what show details they’re willing to share and don’t want to give information to interpreters ahead of time. We’re collaborating with directors to create pauses where descriptions can fit in and to get creative and embed access in the artistic landscape of a play. We’re also working hard to promote all these performances


photo of around 25 people standing together in a gym in front of a soccer net posing for the camera; some people are holding teeshirts

Pleasant Street Neighborhood Network Center “I was born and raised in Worcester, in the Pleasant Street neighborhood,” says Adriana Ojeda-Joslyn. “This is where I started my career, where I’ve raised my three children and fought for the resources they needed, and where I’ve always been proud to give back by working in social services. Now, I’m the lead organizer and executive director of PSNNC — the Pleasant Street Neighborhood Network Center — and it feels like it’s all come full-circle.” PSNNC was founded by a group of Pleasant-Piedmont area residents in 1997, nearly 30 years ago, but a lot of changes were set in motion when Adriana took over in 2022. The building they rented had only ever been used for evening meetings, and there was no heat, no comfortable space for hanging out, and no computers. “We needed a place for connection — for young people and new neighbors who’ve just arrived,” Adriana explains. “We realized we had a brick and mortar space we could be using more effectively, a home outside of the home. Now, we are the community living room!” “People stop by to warm up, have a snack, play cards, charge their phone, or send a fax,” she continues. “The things we do are often small but impactful. Someone can sit here for two hours just to have a place to belong or some room to breathe, whether that’s an elderly person who’s been feeling cooped up or a young person who just needs time out on their own.” The changes at PSNNC have been continuous over the past two years, including a remodel that is currently underway and a stronger emphasis on youth development. Just this past spring, PSNNC took over the administration of Cultural Exchange through Soccer (CETS), a multicultural program that brings together diverse groups of Worcester kids ages 6 to 18, year-round, to share their passion for soccer and learn about teamwork and leadership. The beloved program had a two-decade history of bridge-building and youth empowerment, but it came with a challenge: hosting the annual Worcester World Cup. Coordinating the movements of roughly 2,200 players (adults and youth), fans, volunteers, vendors, and musicians for this three-day event takes nearly a full year of planning. Teams represent 16 countries and all walks of life, and though all the players are Worcester residents, at least half of each team must descend from that country. As they compete at Worcester’s 4,000-seat Foley Stadium, they’re also raising money for CETS, making lifelong connections, and giving their friends and neighbors an occasion to celebrate their former home countries and share the food and music of other cultures. “It’s a proud tradition and an awesome celebration of Worcester’s multiculturalism,” says Adriana. “And the beautiful thing about soccer is that it’s known and loved in almost every culture, so it overcomes the language barrier.” Basketball, music, and arts programs at PSNNC also help bridge cultural and linguistic divides. Adriana makes a point of planning inclusive events, such as a winter solstice celebration, volunteer clean-up days in local parks, and a group project creating a map of Indigenous tribes in Massachusetts. With more young people involved now, PSNNC has created a Youth Advisory Council, comprised of four members this year. Council members meet twice a month during the nine-month school year, with a goal of building capacity and creating a local advocacy “zine” that they self-publish three times per year. Adriana comments that the young members’ energy and tech skills have been instrumental in the organization’s outreach and growth. “We’ve created a hub,” she says. “Last year, more than 600 residents came to the Center for services. We have an annual block party now, too, where you’re likely to hear dozens of languages being spoken among the 200 or so attendees. And the remodel will make our space even more inviting, with better access for wheelchairs and walkers and quiet spaces for neurodivergent people. There will also be privacy pods for telehealth appointments or other private phone calls or meetings.” All the recent changes are resident-informed and led, instigated by brainstorms and concerns voiced at the monthly Pleasant Street Area Community Team (PACT) meeting. “At first, I didn’t know what I was getting into,” Adriana says. “I haven’t had much formal education, but I looked for opportunities and had supportive female mentors who helped me along the way, as well as professional development from the Lenny Zakim Fund more recently. Also, we just received funding for a board retreat that will help us with capacity building.” Adriana’s first job was in a small community center, and she recalls thinking of ideas for what she would do “if she ever had her own community center.” She wanted to teach people how to fish, as the saying goes, and she had a vision of a welcoming space where neighbors could get to know the people they see at shops and in the parks every day. “Now, looking back, it feels like Did I really do that?” she laughs. “People have known me in this city for over 20 years, and now they’re stopping and congratulating me on the street. It feels really good. The impact PSNNC has is not just positive, but collective.” PSNNC is growing quickly and seeking new community partners, funders, donors, and volunteers, particularly those who can help with managing growth, board development, and tech support. If you’d like to get involved, please use the PSNNC contact page or write to

Mount Olives Community Center

Photo of a large group of Black people standing together, looking at the camera and smiling. About four people are kneeling, there is one child, but the rest of the approximately 40 people are standing.

Dr. Joel Piton thought the teller at Eastern Bank looked familiar as he stood in line to deposit some much-needed funds for Mount Olives Community Center (MOCC) last month. But Piton admits he can’t remember every face, given the hundreds of new people he meets each year as executive director of MOCC. Fortunately, the teller recognized him immediately. “I took your financial literacy course last year,” he proudly announced to Piton. “I put the training on my résumé, and it helped me get this job.” The Financial Literacy for Newcomers course, and the English language course the teller also took, are just two of the many programs MOCC offers as part of their mission to meet the basic integration needs of Haitian immigrants and refugees in Boston and surrounding communities. They also offer computer literacy training, home-buying assistance, mental health counseling, and after-school programs, in addition to providing food and clothing. Piton founded MOCC in mid-2019 as an arm of the Mount of Olives Evangelical Baptist Church, where he served as pastor (while also serving the public as a health care professional). He had begun forming response teams with congregation and community members to assist refugee arrivals, assembling food and basic necessities, obtaining vans, and even going to Maine in the summers to help Haitians doing seasonal work there. “You provide some fresh food, and the next thing you know you have 100 people at the door,” Piton says, discussing how the organization has grown to meet the constant need. “But word of mouth works both ways,” he adds. “Just as it brings refugees to us, it also brings volunteers who want to help and be a voice for MOCC.” It brings new partnerships too, such as the mental health sessions MOCC runs with Boston Missionary Baptist Community Center and the Migrant Assistance Community Project with Health Care for All. The collaborations help MOCC extend their reach, as the mounting needs for Haitian newcomers are greater than ever right now, with an increase in the federal immigration limit from Haiti last year. Thousands of Haitians are currently living at 48 hotels and shelters throughout the state, and others have had no choice but to sleep at Logan Airport. MOCC is partnering with some of the hotels as well as local churches and councils to provide essentials, along with a dose of hope and cheer, as at last year’s Christmas party when MOCC was able to surprise each child with a hand-selected gift. Now entering their fourth year as an LZF grantee partner, MOCC’s goal for 2024 is to create a more consistent approach to caring for new arrivals, including cash assistance, as well as more summer programming for kids. Piton recalls that it took two failed tries and a meeting with LZF staff to learn how to write the grant proposal that finally secured funding for them in 2021. He credits volunteer Gina Benjamin, who learned nonprofit development skills like grant writing and strategic planning in part through LZF’s capacity-building seminars. Ms. Benjamin helped MOCC attract more funding partners after that initial grant. But the daily inspiration, Piton says, is each new member of the Haitian community he meets, and their unfailing resilience: “We may be down for a season, but we rise up and continue forward.” Current needs at MOCC include clothing and shoes for the upcoming season, and as always, monetary donations and volunteers. If you want to get involved, please contact Dr. Joel Piton at or use the contact form on the MOCC website.

Heart of a Giant Foundation

Photo of a large group of at least thirty people standing together and posing for a photo at an outdoor event with event tents and banners in the background and trees and houses further back in the background. Included in the group are VADP recipient Bouba Dieme, second from left standing and Julius Johnson, standing eight from left, a young man who shares a VADP and who Bouba has helped at the Boston Heart walk at the Esplanade on September 7, 2019 in Boston, Massachusetts. (Staff Photo By Jim Mahoney/MediaNews Group/Boston Herald)

DCM, CHF, VTAC, AFib . . . if these acronyms are unfamiliar to you, consider yourself lucky. For many Americans, terms like dilated cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, ventricular tachycardia, and atrial fibrillation are an everyday part of managing heart disease, the number-one cause of death for both men and women of most racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. Many people don’t even know how closely at risk of a cardiac episode or stroke they may be. At heart health screenings conducted by LZF grantee partner The Heart of a Giant Foundation (HGF), it’s not unusual for irregular heartbeats to be detected. During one recent event, the nurse practitioner informed an unsuspecting participant that he was in AFib and needed to go to the hospital right away. In 2012, a similar warning changed the life of Bouba Diemé, the founder and CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer) of Heart of a Giant, when, as an otherwise healthy 26-year-old, he had to go on heart medication after having chest pains and difficulty breathing. Four years later, while a fellow in the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders at UC Davis, he was diagnosed with a rare congenital heart defect (left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy) and told that this time, medicine wouldn’t be enough; he would need a new heart. And at 6’7” tall, Bouba knew he might be waiting a while for a heart that could fit his frame. With family and friends back home in Mali and Senegal, Bouba decided to start a blog as a more practical way to keep everyone informed of his health and family life in the U.S. with his wife and three sons. Six years passed, and a LVAD (left ventricular assist device ) was implanted in his heart to help his cardiac function. Then, one Friday afternoon in October 2022, Bouba got the call to go to the hospital for his new heart. He was transplanted the next day. During his journey to the transplant, Bouba was re-examining his life goals. Originally an engineer and founder of an energy services company, he was now considering medical school to dedicate his life to helping other heart patients. Instead, he turned his blog, which he called “Heart of a Giant,” into a grassroots organization to educate the community about heart health, and with his wife, Desirée, began researching how to create a nonprofit. Now, Bouba is being coached in nonprofit management with a group of peers in The Lenny Zakim Fund’s Transformational Leadership Cohort (TLC) Program. “This program has been the most impactful thing for me, connecting with other nonprofit leaders and getting training in all aspects, from financial and fundraising to board development,” he says. “Through the coaching, they don’t just tell you what to do; they make sure you can do it.” Like many of the other 11 grassroots leaders in his cohort, Bouba has a full-time job and a family to support, in addition to running his nonprofit. What sets him apart, though, is the perspective he’s gained from being one of fewer than 55,000 heart transplant recipients in the world. “My six-year journey to getting a heart transplant taught me how to ask for help and connected me to so many people, which made me realize how much I could do as a nonprofit leader,” Bouba says. “I’ve learned just to keep knocking on doors until I get what I need.” “Grants are a numbers game,” he continues, “so I’ve sent out a lot of proposals, but I also follow up on rejections and try to get advice. And that’s led to some pretty wonderful things, like when the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of MA called me back after I’d been declined and told me they had an extra $23,000 that they could give us!” In just the past year, Bouba and his team of volunteers and contract medical assistants have conducted heart health screenings for more than 400 people. They continue to coach many of them in monitoring and improving their health and self-advocating with doctors and nurses. Goals for the near future include moving into telehealth, improving data collection, and documenting Heart of a Giant’s “playbook” to help other organizations replicate parts of their model. “Once your goals are clear, you start seeing opportunities very soon,” Bouba says. “That’s one of the key things I’ve learned through my work with the LZF Cohort. Also, that connections are pivotal. Staying connected to others is what makes things happen.” Current needs at HGF include funding/donations and volunteers to assist with screenings, primarily volunteers with medical expertise. If you want to get involved, please contact Bouba Diemé at or use the contact form on the HGF website.


a group of teens from the Teen JUST-US program in three canoes - the closest teen is looking back at the camera and smiling

“Teenagers are a lot more capable than we give them credit for much of the time,” says Fallon Rubin, Director of Teen and Youth Programs at Temple Israel of Boston. “We just have to give them opportunities to prove what they can do.” For the past four summers, dozens of high school juniors and seniors in the Teen JUST-US summer internship program at Temple Israel have proven themselves time and again, giving back to the community in significant ways, then carrying that inspiration on to college and careers. As an example, Rubin shared a note from Greta Huang of the original 2020 Teen JUST-US cohort, who wrote: I often reflect on my internship with Mass Rivers and still reference that water bylaws report in my résumé! I am now a sophomore at the University of Vermont, double-majoring in social work and gender studies. I’m not sure what I will do with my degree, but I know I want to help people. I am so grateful to have belonged to a community of like-minded individuals that constantly supported my growth as a young Jewish adult, trying to make a difference in this complicated world. Huang’s words reflect the original intent of Teen JUST-US founder Amy Tananbaum, who sought to bridge the gap for Jewish teens looking for a way to engage with the community. Through Temple Israel, Tananbaum launched a five-day, six-week summer model that would teach social justice and job responsibility with paid internship projects on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and cohort activities on Wednesdays and Fridays. Most important, Tananbaum set criteria to ensure that these internships would be a meaningful experience that would have an impact — not just busywork. The assignments must focus on a specific project, be less than 15 percent administrative work, and have an on-site supervisor. The teens are expected to use public transportation, and assignments are made to ensure that commutes are under an hour. On the days together as a cohort, students participate in team-building, social service, and leadership activities and celebrate Kabbalat Shabbat each Friday afternoon. This summer, another alum, Mira Gurock from the Summer 2021 cohort, is returning to Teen JUST-US to serve as the 2024 Program Coordinator. “Mira’s college résumé really impressed us,” Rubin says. “In addition to pursuing a double major in business and creative writing at Emory University, she manages a team of 32 undergraduates and a budget of $250,000 on the university’s Club Sports Council. Of course, we love that she credits her Teen JUST-US internship at Bikes Not Bombs with helping her develop some of the nonprofit skills and professionalism that she’s put to use at Emory.” Coincidentally, Emory graduate Naomi Zipursky, who is currently in rabbinical school, will be joining Gurock as Summer Director this year. Together, they will support the 18 members of this year’s cohort in their internships at 10 nonprofits. Just a few examples of this summer’s assignments include: The team is also excited about the speakers and group projects they have lined up, including building beds for A Bed for Every Child in Lynn and being introduced to the sport of rowing — and inequities in the sport — at Community Rowing in Boston. “They’ll be learning important Jewish values while being challenged with real-world job experience,” says Rubin. “I think a student from a past cohort said it best when she referred to her time with Teen JUST-US as ‘a perfect transition between adolescence and adulthood, learning to be an independent and positive influence on the community.’ ” Current needs at Teen JUST-US include funding/donations and partner organizations that can sponsor or help arrange a service project, field trip, or guest speaker, or meet the criteria to employ a teen intern for the summer. If you would like to get involved, please contact Fallon Rubin at Sadly, Teen JUST-US founder Amy Tananbaum passed away in September 2024, shortly after we published this article. Amy’s legacy continues to inspire all of us who work for social justice in greater Boston and the many individuals she mentored.

Cape Ann Art Haven

photo of three children standing together, wearing tie-dyed shirts, and smiling at the camera. The girl in the middle has her arm around the both the kid to her right and to her left

David Brooks was only 19 when he and his sister, Sarah, decided to start teaching after-school art classes in response to Gloucester public school budget cuts. Recruiting artistic friends to help teach, they founded Cape Ann Art Haven, a community art program that grew for nearly a decade, from 2008 to 2017, until the group began to move into careers. That’s when David suggested that volunteer Traci Thayne Corbett apply for the newly created full-time executive director job. With a background in corporate product development for global brands such as Reebok and Stride Rite, Traci wasn’t an obvious fit. She was, however, a fine artist who had taught painting at Art Haven for five years, and she understood several essential things for leading the organization: the power of art; the strength of collaboration; and the rigor of running a successful business. It was time for Art Haven to become a professional nonprofit, and Traci possessed not only the business skills, but also the boundless energy that would be needed. “I have a touch of oldest-child syndrome,” she admits. “In the beginning, when I took my daughter to Art Haven classes, I was so excited, I kept elbowing her out for paint and supplies. Later, when I became a volunteer, I couldn’t stop seeing all the potential and saying, We could do this and this and this!” Art Haven has increased its revenue and impact continuously since Traci took over as full-time director, with only one “off” year: 2020. “When Covid hit, kids had all their fun cancelled, just like that,” she recalls. “So we started making art kits out of the supplies we had — just a little bag with instructions and something they could keep, like craft scissors or a kneaded eraser — and we handed them out to families at our front door.” She soon realized the best solution would be to deliver the kits directly to families, and from her corporate background, Traci knew that collaboration could be the way to make it happen. She called her friend, the executive director of the Cape Ann YMCA, and then the Gloucester Housing Authority and Pathways for Children. With these new partners on board, Art Haven was able to reach hundreds of families. “We managed to stay relevant during the pandemic and do something new, to deliver on our mission, and expand to less advantaged families,” Traci continues. “Now, a full 50 percent of our programming is delivered through our mobile program, out in the community, free to low- income families. Our partners have seen the benefits of incorporating our creativity into their programs, too. We all gained huge momentum and offer more extensive services now by working with each other.” As their community relationships have expanded, Art Haven has added more specialty programs to their roster of classes, such as an English-language-learner summer program and a transition program for mentally challenged young adults, who specifically requested art as the “fun” part of their life skills training. Founder David Brooks and his friends have stayed involved with Art Haven, too, partnering to build the community’s most beloved art project: the annual Lobster Trap Tree in the downtown Gloucester seaport. Stacking 350 donated traps, volunteers construct the giant tree in early December and decorate it with lights and oversized “ornaments.” The ornaments? Lobster buoys, of course — hundreds of them, each decorated by hand. Over several weeks in November and December, Art Haven goes out to public schools and holds weekend family sessions, bringing all ages together to paint unique designs on every buoy that adorns the tree. For Gloucester’s 400th anniversary last year, nearly 1,000 buoys covered the extra-large tree made of 400 traps. “It’s the only event I can think of where every town resident and every child, from all walks of life, can make a piece of art, for free, then gather to see this group project they created,” says Traci. “And since we have students as young as preschool involved, it engages families with the community early on. We see kids proudly pointing out the buoys they painted to their parents and grandparents. You may think they couldn’t find their own buoy on this massive tree, but they always do! “Although it’s only a small fraction of Art Haven’s programming, the Lobster Trap Tree & Buoy Painting Project is a really powerful, unifying, and creative community tradition, and it gives all these local families a reason to get out into town. “We have to remember that not everyone has art in their houses or their lives. Cape Ann Art Haven gives them the opportunity to make art, not just see it.” Current needs at Art Haven include funding/donations and volunteers with strong backs to assist with the assembly of the hundreds of painted buoys. Art Haven also invites everyone to participate in the range of community events they offer, from Pumpkin Carving to Plein Air Painting and Black Light Art nights. If you’d like to get involved, please contact Traci Thayne Corbett at or use the contact form on the Art Haven website.

Mercy Meals & More

a person with a large tray of bacon in their hands in an industrial kitchen

Before the sun comes up every morning, volunteers at Mercy Meals & More are busy preparing pastries, cereal, coffee, and juice for up to 75 of their New Bedford neighbors. And while most of us are hitting the snooze button, they’re laying out a hot breakfast buffet with home fries and eggs — all of which is cleaned up and ready for the next day before normal working hours have even begun. Behind the scenes is Program Director David Motta, who rises at 4:00 a.m. to lead this all-volunteer crew in serving more than 22,000 meals a year, six days a week, to South Coast low-income and homeless men, women, and children. “They’re the best volunteers in the world,” David says, referring not only to those who prepare the food, but also the many others who donate items, serve on the board, and raise the $80,000 a year required to keep the hotcakes coming. David, a part-time employee, is the only paid staff member at Mercy Meals & More (MMM). The rest of the planning, organizing, cooking, and cleaning is managed by volunteers who collectively donate over 7,000 hours a year. “Several of us come from the same neighborhood,” says Board Treasurer and Secretary Chad Freitas. “Although the organization was founded through the Pilgrim United Church of Christ (PUCC), our current board was formed by recruiting friends and family. We’ve been working to recruit board members from other walks of life, but it’s a long, slow process. We’ve essentially been rebuilding the organization since 2020, with a focus on sustainability. Few of us have nonprofit experience, so we’ve been getting guidance from the Lenny Zakim Fund and others, and learning as we go.” Chad and his fellow board members have had to be quick learners in the face of recent challenges. Food and housing insecurity are at a high right now, and extreme rent hikes of $500 are not uncommon, leaving many MMM patrons in crisis, particularly some of those dependent upon disability or EBT/SNAP benefits. This past year, they had to replace an oven, griddle, freezer, refrigerator, dishwasher, and flooring in the downtown building they use which is owned by PUCC. And even a seemingly small setback, such as the recent egg shortage caused by avian flu, becomes dire when your meal plan calls for 90 dozen eggs a week. MMM has weathered it all while managing to extend their reach at the same time. In the past year, they saw a 37 percent increase in new donors, 24 percent increase in volunteer hours, and 33 percent increase in their budget. 2023 was the strongest year ever for donations in terms of dollars, number of donors, and number of donations. Chad credits the creative, can-do attitude of board members, who like to host themed fundraisers, such as their spring comedy show, and who continually seek out other opportunities, like volunteering at road races and other events that will donate money for each hour they work. The road races have proven to be a great way to get the word out in the community, too. Last year, at the Pilgrimman Triathlon, Chad and David met Kolby Emken, who was so enthusiastic about MMM’s mission that he decided to run for 12 hours in one day, asking friends to donate for each mile he ran. An astonishing 52 miles later, Kolby had raised over $5,300 to help MMM meet that year’s budget. “Each supporter and volunteer adds their own talents and inspiration to our team,” says David. “For example, longtime volunteer Angie Vargas has a knack for finding and befriending homeless people in encampments in the woods and around the city. Once she’s located them, she brings them clothes and plates of food. And of course she invites them to come to Mercy Meals & More for a hearty breakfast if they can — and many do.” Meanwhile, David is often out picking up donations, like the nine bags of sneakers recently donated from Dr. Doug Fogg, the retired general surgeon who has run MMM’s successful Sole Foot Clinic for more than a decade. The clinic is open each Thursday, and volunteer nursing students from UMass Dartmouth check patrons’ vital signs in addition to providing a warm foot bath and comprehensive foot care, plus an offer of fresh socks and a gently worn pair of shoes to take with them. “We meet the needs of this community — health care, food, and clothing — in a welcoming environment where people are treated with dignity and respect,” says Chad. “But we can’t do anything without our compassionate volunteers, who do everything. They’re the heart of the Mercy Meals & More mission.” Current needs at Mercy Meals & More include donations of food, supplies, books, and clothing as well as dedicated volunteers and general funds. MMM is also seeking collaborative South Coast-area organizations or programs, such as vaccination clinics, veterans’ services, and homeless service providers, who might want to partner to better serve the community. If you can help, please contact David Motta at or (508) 264-8183.


image of a screenshot of a Zoom meeting with 6 people in separate screens with varying backgrounds.

Imagine seeing your name in lights amid a gleaming rainbow of colors welcoming you to a new neighborhood. Invitations are waiting in your mailbox, and new friends are eager to introduce themselves. That’s how it feels walking in the virtual door of OutstandingLife, an online community for LGBTQ+ older adults that offers get-togethers, support groups, seminars, workshops, events, and chat rooms. You can engage as much or as little as you like, whenever you like, in this safe and accessible space. You might attend an exercise class or online pride party or join an interest group focused on travel or cooking or a population-specific group like lesbians of color, transgender men, or Cape Cod residents. Perhaps you’d register for a course on history, legal issues, or taxes, share your work in an art or writing group, pop into an intergenerational social hour, or simply stay up late chatting. “It’s been fun to see friends I haven’t connected with in a long time, and also to get to know new people,” says member Maida Tilchen. “I did a Zoom for OSL myself when given the opportunity to talk about the two novels I’ve written. I’m also delighted to be asked to talk on the upcoming travel series. I love the vision for OutstandingLife, and I have been enjoying the progress. I tell everyone I can about it and I look forward to watching it grow. Thanks to everyone who is making it possible.” After a beta launch of five programs in 2022, OutstandingLife (OsL) introduced their virtual senior center in June 2023 on Mighty Networks, a free-to-join platform vetted for online safety, accessible via a phone app or any Internet browser. Since then, the community has grown to more than 380 people. Membership and all programs are offered free of charge, and there are abundant support options to help those who may face technological barriers. LGBTQ+ senior health is a primary focus for the group — both physical and mental — and inclusion and interaction are essential elements. “Many of our members have lived most of our lives being ‘othered’ by society,” says OsL Board Chair David Aronstein. “We grew up in the mid-20th century, when homophobia was intense and supported by law enforcement and medical professionals. Even today . . . even in Massachusetts . . . and even in the most welcoming senior centers, LGBTQ+ people have to worry about ostracism and privacy.” Program leaders primarily come from the LGBTQ+ community as well, and OsL looks for diverse intersectional identities to add breadth and depth to programs. The organization is committed to uplifting members impacted not only by homophobia and sexism but also systemic racism, transphobia, and income inequality. “When we compensate these program leaders for their time, we’re also increasing the economic empowerment of diverse communities,” David comments. Like David, OsL founder and board member Alice Fisher is a lifelong LGBT activist. In the early 2000s, the two worked together on Stonewall Communities, a Boston-based LGBTQ+ senior housing and advocacy group, and their commitment to OsL is an extension of that original vision. “For many years, we have been creating different ways for LGBTQ+ older adults to connect because we are so dispersed throughout the Commonwealth,” says Alice. “Finally the technology has caught up to our vision.” Although the OutstandingLife forum has no geographic boundaries, OsL’s five board members all have extensive professional résumés in Massachusetts and help advocate for the local LGBTQ+ aging community, presenting issues to the Boston Mayor’s Office, City Council, and the Massachusetts Legislature. “It’s an equity issue,” explains David. “Brick-and-mortar senior centers are funded through state and city budgets, so we worked hard for the earmark in the state budget that provides online community services that would be out-of-reach for many LGBTQ+ older adults.” Thanks to a new three-year Community Health & Healthy Aging Funds grant, OsL is now partnering with some of those brick-and-mortar centers to develop programming with senior centers and Massachusetts Councils on Aging (CoAs), starting with gateway cities and Cape Cod. The partnership allows both OsL and the CoAs to extend their reach and combat social isolation for LGBTQ+ seniors who might not otherwise have a way to engage. “I’m kind of a yenta of organizations,” David jokes, “and I always believe that by bringing groups together, one plus one ends up equaling more than two. OsL also partners with more than two dozen organizations on programming and cross-promotion, including AARP, GLAD, Little Brothers/Friends of the Elderly, and Trans Community of New England.” This past spring, OsL was awarded 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. “Now we’re working on building our infrastructure, expanding offerings, and increasing membership, engagement, and interaction,” David says. “This is an environment that fosters joy and independence, and we want all members to flourish and feel empowered and engaged.” OutstandingLife is currently seeking new board members and volunteer program hosts and moderators, and always welcomes new members, new community partners, and financial donations. If you would like to get involved, please write to or fill out the online contact form.

Love Life Now Foundation

image of Lovern Gordon wearing a pink top and a black skirt doing a speaking engagement in front of a screen where the words 'Domestic Violence witnessed Adverse Childhood E'. She is leaning on a podium with the words 'University of Illinois Illinois Union' visible' Both the screen and the podium have additional words that are cut off.

Lovern Gordon is the most captivating woman in the ballroom at high-end fundraising events around Greater Boston. Eloquent, wise, and charismatic in a dazzling evening gown, she holds her audience rapt, whether she’s speaking from the podium or among a crowd of friends. Either way, she’s speaking from her heart and the depth of her experience. And though her audiences span the country and all walks of life, her message is always the same: Violence in a relationship is never okay. “Domestic violence is a worldwide epidemic that can affect anybody,” Lovern explains. “One in every three teens, one in every seven men, one in every four women. It happens everywhere, but there is help everywhere. People need to know they’re never alone.” Spreading that message far and wide is Lovern’s mission through the nonprofit she founded in 2011, Love Life Now Foundation (LLN), which focuses on global awareness and education, and through her work as an author and international speaker. On the startling cover of her award-winning book, The Legacy He Left Me, we see a familiar Lovern in a brilliant ball gown, but she is nearly unrecognizable under the bruises on one side of her face. “As a child witness, I never thought I would become a victim, knowing what I knew,” she explains, “but children from abusive homes often end up as victims again or as abusers themselves.” Lovern grew up on the Caribbean island of Trinidad with a father who concealed his abusive nature behind a well-educated and charming demeanor and a mother who was powerless to protect herself and her five children. After attending high school in the U.S. then moving to Boston permanently during her college years, Lovern felt fully in control of her future, but found herself at the age of 21 in a relationship with a controlling, abusive older man. “I know everyone thinks, Why didn’t you just leave?” she says, “But with emotional, physical, and financial entanglements, it’s never quite that simple. And when you don’t know how to get help, sometimes the devil you know actually seems the safer option.” It took two years, but Lovern managed to escape her abuser and forge a new life. A couple of years later, the seed for LLN was planted when a group of friends dared her to enter a Boston-based beauty pageant. Much to everyone’s surprise, she won, then proceeded to win nationals as well. After back-to-back wins, she needed a platform, and domestic violence (DV) was the obvious choice. Once she started speaking out about it, she couldn’t stop. Now, 13 years later, LLN provides resources to roughly 800 people a year. Although LLN is not a shelter or a domestic violence agency, they do offer immediate assistance when sent referrals from those organizations. “Our Get Safe Fund serves over 100 people a year,” Lovern explains. “We’ve become known in part for helping cover the cost of emergency hotel stays when there are no shelter beds available, but the fund assists with any one-time, DV-related expense, whether it’s paying a bill or purchasing a bus or plane ticket to safety.” The many initiatives and events Lovern and her team organize for LLN serve the dual purpose of raising funds for the cause and helping broadcast the message. From assembling brown bag lunches and care packages for homeless DV survivors to walking a mile in survivor’s shoes (often literally in high heels) at their annual 3K Heel-A-Thon Walk, LLN seeks to make the conversation accessible to people in a variety of ways. Perhaps the most anticipated event of the year sends survivors “strutting their truth” down the runway at the annual Empowerment Fashion Show, inspiring others to begin finding their voices and to know that DV does not define their futures. “It doesn’t take a heavy lift to be part of the solution,” Lovern comments. “Mid-September to mid-October is our annual Bedding Drive, and something as simple as donating a twin sheet set and pillow, means the world to a survivor who may have left everything when escaping an abusive situation. Those personal items let them know they can rest easier as they transition to the next leg of their journey.” For those who haven’t lived through the experience themselves, Lovern shares unvarnished details of her own story through her book to illustrate the impossible choices made by “sur-THRIVERS.” “I thought LLN was enough,” she recalls, “but then the pandemic gave me the opportunity to write, after being approached by a publisher.” She finished the memoir in three months and has been promoting the book, along with LLN, via a nationwide book tour since its release in the summer of 2021. This year, Lovern has received help navigating her busy life as a wife, mother, keynote speaker, workshop leader, and the only full-time employee of LLN, thanks to the executive coach and colleagues she’s working with as part of The Lenny Zakim Fund 2024 Transformational Leadership Cohort. “It’s all about using my voice to get other people to use their voices,” she says. In one of the most powerful moments of the year, the men in attendance at LLN’s annual White Ribbon Night Gala are asked to use their voices to become allies around the issue. The intensity is palpable as the women in the room witness their partners and other men become up-STANDERS by raising their right hands as they pledge “to never commit, excuse, or stay silent about sexual harassment, sexual assault, or domestic violence against others.” “This issue breeds in silence,” Lovern says. “From the moment you begin to use your voice, things begin to shift.” Current needs at Love Life Now Foundation include event volunteers, social media ambassadors, and donation drive hosts. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, so please help spread the word and if you would like to get involved, or know anyone who needs assistance, please get in touch at 888-LLN-9876 (call or text) or


photo of a group of about 30 people posing for a photo inside - 4 people are holding large cubes that spell out 'N.U.B.E.'

Neighbors United for a Better East Boston In 2011, two weeks after arriving in East Boston from El Salvador, Enilda “Eny” Lovo met Gloribell Mota. “My cousin introduced me to Gloribell, and I learned that she had been the first Latina to run for state rep—in 2007,” Eny recounts. “Although she lost that race, we believe she won, because for the first time the Latino community came out to vote. They had 800 more voters than ever before, and the momentum kept going afterwards. It inspired the idea of NUBE, an organization that would mobilize the Latino/immigrant community to get out and vote in local elections.” NUBE — Neighbors United for a Better East Boston — immediately became a big part of Eny’s new life in Massachusetts. Like her fellow volunteers, she was dedicated to helping build a prosperous community where neighbors supported and encouraged each other. After two years, Gloribell rewarded Eny’s dedication with a paid position at 10 hours a week. But by 2015, Gloribell felt she needed some time off, and soon after she left, NUBE folded. Neighbors continued to request the civic programs they’d become accustomed to, however, and over a two-year period, active members fought to launch the organization again. “We started with new programs, mission, and vision, in 2017,” recalls Eny. “Gloribell came back, and in 2019, she told me it was time for new leaders to step up. She offered me a full-time position, and in 2022, I became executive director and lead coordinator.” “I was nervous at first,” Eny continues, “but now I’ve received coaching for a year in the Transformational Leadership Cohort program through The Lenny Zakim Fund, so I’ve learned and developed my skills as a director and organizer.” Currently NUBE has more than 40 active volunteers and 5,000 members. From 100 to 200 participants attend most of their events, and 600 people came out for a recent non-citizen voting simulation. Their mission of using civic engagement to shift political power is getting clear results. “In 2010, NUBE started with 6% of the Latino community going out to vote and today in 2023 we are at 58% of our Latinx Community,” Eny says. NUBE has also celebrated some major milestones, such as the 2023 purchase of their Community Movement Building in partnership with Ayni Institute Inc., and some substantial legislative successes, including the 2022 passing of the Fair Share Amendment Act, a 4% surtax on income above $1 million to invest in education and road and bridge improvements. Also in 2022, the passing of the Work and Family Mobility Act allowed Massachusetts driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status. This achievement was very personal for Eny, who went on a hunger strike for five days with 16 other people to bring attention to the issue. Municipal or state IDs for undocumented persons is still a top issue for NUBE, which holds an annual Membership Assembly to vote on each year’s top three priorities. Noncitizen voting and rent stabilization are the other two top priorities this year. “In 2022, we had 19,000 Latinx voters,” Eny explains. “A year later, we only have 17,000—a roughly 10% drop. Our numbers are going down as rents go up. Sometimes the rent increases are as much as $500 a month, which leads to displacement.” Though East Boston is known for its Latin population, NUBE’s outreach embraces a wide range of interests. Throughout the year, they use public forums, educational materials, movie nights, and other efforts to build community around key events such as Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Black History Month, International Women’s Day, Earth Day, and Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Eny explains that all of NUBE’s efforts center around four core circles of action: The Abundant Leaders Program (Lideres Abundantes) is one of NUBE’s cornerstone projects, training and encouraging two or three members a year so they might lead the community in the future. “One of the members of our program was a shy 16-year-old who barely spoke at all. We sent him to youth organizing training, and now he’s 18 and just incredible,” Eny says. “He knocks on doors and talks to everyone and engages with the elder community and helps them get to the polls to vote. At a recent civic forum, Representative Ayanna Pressley commented on how impressed she was with NUBE youth and their activism. With passionate young organizers like him coming up in the community, I’m confident NUBE will continue to have a strong impact when my time comes to hand over the reins to a new leader, just like Gloribell did with me.” Current needs at NUBE include funding/donations and volunteers who can assist with communications and technical planning and projects, including basic database management for Lead Weaver. If you’d like to get involved, please write to or call 857-326-9775.