Mission, Vision, & Values

Our Mission & Vision

photo of hundreds of people, mostly Black people and POC, in wooden church pews holding up fists

“We have the power to change things. It doesn’t take much to start a revolution of thought and spirit. It takes one person and then another. When it works, it’s a work of art.”
– Lenny Zakim, Founder

To the left, aphoto of hundreds of people, mostly Black people and POC, in wooden church pews holding up fists. To the right, black, italicized text that reads 'We have the power to change things. It doesn't take much to start a revolution of thought and spirit. It takes one person and then another. When it works, it's a work of art. -Lenny Zakim, Founder'

The Lenny Zakim Fund works to develop deep relationships and builds bridges among people and communities to advance social, economic, and racial justice. Our mission is to listen to those most impacted by inequity and provide the funding, essential resources, and support they need to create lasting change. We envision a more just and equitable world where communities thrive because of the contributions and leadership of grassroots organizations.

Values Statements

The work of the Lenny Zakim Fund is guided by the following principles:

Social Justice: Everything we do is based in our deeply held belief that social justice is equity and that the fundamental rights, well-being, and dignity of all people must be recognized, upheld, and celebrated.

Grassroots Leadership: LZF is inspired by and respects the power and ability of those most impacted by injustice to bring about change.

Diversity and Belonging: We embrace a culture of inclusion and belonging, one that seeks out and welcomes the voices of those with diverse life experiences and intersectional identities.

Learning: We firmly believe that continuous, active, and reciprocal learning is critical to promoting awareness and creating a solid foundation for change.

Bridge Building: We are committed to bridging real and perceived differences, and to creating strong and lasting relationships that are fundamental to progress.

Responsiveness: Emerging challenges often impact those we serve, and we knowingly accept the risk required to adapt and respond as rapidly as possible.

Love: Love is at the heart of philanthropy. Love and compassion motivate and sustain the spirit of those who partner with LZF and remain dedicated to justice for all.