Photo Credit: Lisa Kessler
Lenny Zakim believed that one person can change the world. As exemplified by the iconic bridge that bears his name, his dedication to building connections and coalitions between people of different faiths, ethnicities, and socio-economic backgrounds continues to have impact today, around Greater Boston and far beyond. For twenty years, as a civil rights leader, Lenny fought tirelessly to put an end to racism, anti-Semitism, civil rights violations, and hatred of all kinds.
The Lenny Zakim Fund is only one example of Lenny’s profound ability to promote change.
In 1995, shortly after being diagnosed with a rare cancer, Lenny worked with friends and other generous donors to establish The Lenny Fund.™ With a deep personal belief that extraordinary social change could be created at the grassroots level by advocating personal empowerment and community partnership, the mission was clear: They have the will. They have the creativity, but they lack the means. We give them the means.
Today, The Lenny Zakim Fund continues to symbolize the work of an exceptional man who dedicated his life toward shaping a better society, one in which justice prevails and human differences are celebrated.
The Lenny Zakim Fund was launched by Lenny, not as a family foundation, but as a public 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The Fund is run by a highly talented and professional staff, who are supported in their work by an active and dedicated Board of Directors and numerous volunteers who help with grant allocation, management assistance, and more. LZF also receives pro bono office space and donated services such as communications, design, and printing.
The Lenny Zakim Fund is a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organization under the IRS.
EIN 04-3485146