
LZF Grants:
Growing the Grassroots

photo of people participating in a march, three girls are in the front of the picture, the middle one cupping her hands around her mouth, mid-yell, and the two on eith side holding signs; people are marching behind them and a sign can be seen in the shape of a house that says 'Stand Up! Fight Back'

From the beginning, LZF has prioritized historically marginalized, under-served, or under-resourced communities or populations throughout eastern Massachusetts, where the greatest racial, economic, and social injustices exist.

The Fund intentionally focuses on small, grassroots organizations with annual operating budgets under $350,000, that are “below the radar,” often in the nascent stage of their development, and thus not visible to other individual or institutional funders. An LZF grant is often the first step taken by those who seek to turn a vision into a sustainable reality. The Fund provides annual general operating (unrestricted) grants up to $20,000. Grants may be renewed for up to five years.

Primary Funding Areas

  • Access to Food, Housing, and Economic Opportunity
  • Child and Youth Development and Education
  • Civil and Human Rights Advocacy and Support
  • Health Promotion and Accessibility for All
  • Organizing and Support for Immigrants and Refugees
  • LGBTQIA Community Support and Organizing
  • Violence Prevention, Criminal Justice Reform and Family Outreach

LZF does NOT support conferences, sponsorships for fundraising events or other one-time events; one-time film, video, or print projects; requests from individuals; scholarships, research and development or planning grants; or capital campaigns.

Being a grantee partner of The Lenny Zakim Fund is often seen as a “seal of approval” by other grant-making organizations, larger foundations, and individual philanthropists when considering their own grant award funding. With an LZF grant, a fledgling nonprofit gains a foundation to not only pursue their mission but also secure their reputation in the community.

Our Impact Since 1995

grants awarded since our founding
current grantees
(approximately) given to community-based organizations dedicated to social justice
$ 0