Nonprofit organizations based in eastern Massachusetts, with operating budgets under $350,000, that have an IRS 501(c)(3) status or a documented fiscal agent that has 501(c)(3) status are welcome to submit a proposal to The Lenny Zakim Fund during our annual grant cycle.
All prospective grant applicants MUST either attend an online informational session or meet with an LZF staff member before applying.
Each year, LZF receives a number of applications, significantly more than we are able to invite to join our grantee partner portfolio. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to keep this in mind when preparing their grant application for consideration by LZF’s Community Investments Committee to ensure it is both complete and compelling.
Click to sign up for communications about the next Grant Cycle.
For questions, please contact Madelyn Vining, Grants Administrator at
LZF does NOT support conferences, sponsorships for fundraising events or other one-time events; one-time film, video, or print projects; requests from individuals; scholarships, research and development or planning grants; or capital campaigns.
Being a grantee partner of The Lenny Zakim Fund is often seen as a “seal of approval” by other grant-making organizations, larger foundations, and individual philanthropists when considering their own grant award funding. With an LZF grant, a fledgling nonprofit gains a foundation to not only pursue their mission but also secure their reputation in the community.
The Lenny Zakim Fund is a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organization under the IRS.
EIN 04-3485146